All the posts are about their own purer-than-lily selves! Very rarely do their children or husbands get mentioned in the posts. The way Lydia Sherman never talks about her first son (she has 3 kids - Mr Unknown, Lillibeth aka Mrs Elizabeth Humphrey and Mr Stevie Bumpfrey) one wonders if she has murdered him or he's committed the unpardonable sin of not staying with his parents. Is the first child - Mr Unknown the reason for "
Guard the Home" blog?
The way Lydia & Lillibeth go on and on about the blessings of sewing - one wonders if they think the key to opening the Pearly Gates is Victorian fashion. And so many, many photos of themselves parading in various outfits! Sigh! Vanity, egoism & narcissism served up with only a veneer of pseudo-Christianity..
Lillibeth & Lydia, how much ever they might pretend they are not aware of the existence of a mirror blog, have made multitudes of changes to their blogs. Lydia has deleted all the posts that have drawn flake and deleted the archives. Lillibeth meanwhile has taken down most posts of her and her mom in different costumes. She has also deleted all the posts on the Bumphries - Lillibeth had a real sense of humour as she commented about the poverty in her family & their huge debts in those columns about the "Bumphries cousins." But once we exposed that the columns were really about her and her family and not about any imaginary cousins, she has systematically deleted everyone of those posts, including the one on the "Austen tea party."
Lydia is paranoid about people getting to know about them...those columns showed the world that Lillibeth's hubby was jobless and Lillibeth's dad was just an insurance agent....poor Lillibeth having to stay with her poor parents because her husband can't get a job and having to delete all those posts, because they showed her family in a bad light.
I came over here to read after seeing the link at Sweeping, and I do find it a bit cruel. I think it is sweet that Lillibeth and her mother share an interest and spend so much time having fun and making their lives more beautiful. I really like them both as people - they have proven to be sweet, kind, generous, creative ladies - even if I disagree with the black-and-white nature of some of their beliefs.
ReplyDeleteSeriously People,
ReplyDeleteI am amazed at the obsession you have with Mrs. Lydia and her daughter.
I think it's quite amazing and wonderful in today's world that a daughter (Elizabeth) would hold her mother (Mrs. Lydia) in such high esteem that should would resemble her. What a true compliment!
I wonder if the writer of this blog has children. If so do your sons and/or daughters honor you in such a manner or are you constantly being disrespected? My suspicion is that you are not honored. If you feel honored now because your children are young I'd be careful. As time passes that may change for you. I hope not, but to have the kind of animosity that shows here is bound to have an effect on your family.