Hmmm.... If I had said that online, I suppose someone would threaten to sue me. Why is it these posts seem to border on accusing me of a crime? Maybe they are students, studying to be lawyers, and testing me as a case of some sort. I have no property, no money, and no inheritance. If you sue me, you will only get a collection of old fabric and all that scrapbook paper I am trying to use up. There is one old brown truck in the back pasture that does not work, loaded with any trasg made of metal. We were going to sell it all but the truck would not move. I don't know how much it is worth but if you sue me and you get the truck, you will do me a big, big favor. I've been trying to get that thing out the yard for 18 years.
It’s Christian Feminist again – hopefully for the last time. After reading almost all the articles and the links on your blog, I realize how lucky I am and how grateful I should be. I’m lucky that I live in a society where the overwhelming majority of women are encouraged to think for themselves, to have an education and a successful career. I am grateful to the millions of women worldwide who prove every day that women , just as well as men, can have a great job and a happy family. I’m grateful to those who fought so hard for women’s rights. I’m grateful to my great-grandparents, my grandparents and parents who studied hard and worked hard to have a better life than their own parents. A few generations back, my ancestors ( with the exception of my maternal grandfather’s family who belonged to the nobility) were poor, illiterate peasants who barely managed to survive. Their descendants are now highly educated people who have good jobs and high-ranking positions in politics, public administration, medicine, etc. This is the result of their efforts to be better than their parents, which you seem to condemn. There would be no progress if people didn’t try to have a better life than their parents. And by the way, perhaps if you had a job, you would have now money , property and you could leave an inheritance to your children.
I’m lucky to have a great job which challenges me every day. I have great colleagues who are also my friends. We work together and at the same time we manage to have fun together. I’m happy to go to work every day and I’m grateful that I’m surrounded by women, many in high-ranking positions, who are great at what they do, and by the way, they are more capable, more conscientious and much better than the men who work with them. I’m grateful that in my country more and more women have the top jobs in marketing, public administration, etc. By the way, they’re almost all married with children. I’m grateful also that most men don’t want an unpaid servant or a brainwashed woman for a wife. I’m grateful to my father, who has always pushed me to learn, to heve good grades, to go to the best university. He has always encouraged me to be very ambitious and to make the most of my abilities. He would NEVER dream of supporting me financially until I got married and he would be horrified if I became a housewife kept by her husband. He has always told me that financial independence, a high-ranking job and a good salary are the most important things. And by the way, he also encourages me to get married and have children soon. He sees no incompatibility in that and the biggest disappointment for him would be if I wasted my intelligence and talents and stopped working.
I’m grateful to my mom, who has always worked, at times even 2 jobs, making sure that we had everything we needed and wanted. I’m grateful to her that she preferred to have a job and work, instead of trying to make ends meet and living off my father’s paycheck, ‘being frugal” as you put it. She’s a great doctor who has helped a huge amount of people. She’s made a difference in so many lives , which she would never have done if she stayed at home.
Concerning home education, I will never believe that you or any other mother are equally proficient in all subjects. You may be well-read and intelligent but you cannot compare yourself with a teacher specially trained in one subject. For instance, in high-school I studied national and foreign literature, maths, geometry, algebra, chemistry, physics, philosophy, anatomy, zoology, grammar, history, geography and 2 foreign languages. If you’re able to teach your children of different ages and levels all these subjects, then you must be a genius. I’m sure you only read books and study theories which fit in with your vision. For instance, I think your children know about the Spanish Inquisition, but I bet they have never heared of the horrible persecutions suffered by Catholics in Protestant countries . You also claim that feminism =Marxism, but have you heard of Mary Wollstonecraft, Marie de Gournay or Christine de Pisan? They lived long before Marx and they were women’s rights defensors.. Read the Victorian women authors, especially Charlotte Bronte’s Shirley and you will see that everything was not perfect in women’s life in the Victorian era. Do you think they would have fought for their rights if everything was fine? You posted a quote of Queen Victoria on women’s rights. A while back, I suggested you read her biography to see how her actions clashed with her views and I posted her quotes on marriage and children. Of course you didn’t publish my comment, since they obviously didn’t fit your view.
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world? Please!!!!! World leaders don’t make decisions based on their mothers’ influence. I’m sure few women teach their children that war is good, but how many leaders have chosen not to go to war? In fact, they seem to be eager for it. How many unjust wars, tragedies and genocides have been avoided or stopped? Very few. Do you know why? Because leaders make decisions based on politics, international relations and many other things, not on the education they received from their mothers. This goes for every level of decision-making. The only example I can think of is King Baudoin of Belgium, a devout Catholic, who abdicated for a day in order not to sign the law which allowed abortion. And he didn’t change anything, in the end.
You seem to think work is a prison but really, nobody keeps us prisoners. We have lunch breaks and if we have an important errand, we can go away from work a couple of hours or more. Guess what? Staying at home bores me to death. Tea parties and making silly objects out of leftovers are not the thing for me. I prefer reading a book or watching a movie, but still that couldn’t fill all my time. So no, dear “lady “Lydia, homemaking is just not my cup of tea.
Finally, as Christians you are bound to love your enemies, not to judge people. If feminism is you enemy, then as a true Christian you should love us and pray for us. Obviously, you prefer to judge everyone who doesn’t fit in with your views, which by the way are pretty narrow.
Lady Lydia says:
While I regard feminism more as a false teaching, rather than an "enemy," let this be a record that I do pray for you. Your judgementalism of the homemaker is very very apparent in this post, but being accused of being narrow is not an insult. Christians are supposed to be narrow, otherwise, they would be like everyone else, following the crowd, doing what the masses do and what the liberal media and colleges design.
As I have a lot of pressing responsibilities at the moment, I'll open this up to the other homemakers to leave their comments regarding your post.
Becky A says:
Dear "lady in Romania,"
You should not worry too much about a small amount of women in the population who stay home, or even about the ones who make the decision to commit their lives to being full time homemakers. They will never "rule the world" in the sense that you and others may fear. For 75 years or more the feminist doctrine has been dominant. Just walk down any neighborhood and count the places where people are home. You will find there is about 1 woman home in any village. It shows you that the feminist ideologoy won, and that there is no danger to you being controlled by the homemaker's beliefs.
There will always be a broad way, and feminists have taken it. It is the narrow way that few will follow. There are more of you than there are of us. The feminists do rock the cradle and in a sense rule the world. All you have to do is see what happens in the universities, the courts and the business places. Go down town and see how many men are running the businesses. Go to a bank. Go to a post office. Go to a department store. Mostly, there are women there. Go to a school: most teachers and principals are women. Go to a hospital and see the count: women dominate the workforce in many areas.
"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" does not necessarily mean a world leader or a president. It means the population that actually controls things. Look at the lawyers and the judges: they rule against the family in many cases. Look at the womens studies classes at the University: they rule the mindset of the next generation of girls going out in the world. Those girls will have careers, not long marriages, and not babies. So who rules the world? Truly, the hand that rocks the cradle. The ones rocking the cradle these days are the ones that teach something different than the Bible. Even a mother at home is influenced by the television and radio and music, that give her a different message. She can be home listening to the messages that tell her that she should rebel or get a job or do something else. The magazines and the friends she has, also are in favor of doing "something else." So, the hand that rocks the cradle is an "invisible hand" --because while it SEEMS like a young woman is raising her child, rocking her baby, etc., it is the teaching she gets from the hospital staff (which sometimes gives her bad advice), the radio therapist talk shows, the television programs like Oprah, etc. trying to "liberate" her from the task of being a full time mother, etc.
But don't worry, you aren't in danger of homemakers taking over. There will always be working women and there always has been. But in the past they didn't really want to work and didn't see it as the ultimate a woman could do. They would have much rather had the privilege and honor of being homemakers.
There are fewer women at home these days than in the 1900's, so it looks like society is on your side. Those who do stay home, are possibly leaving jobs open for the women who really need them, such as those whose husbands won't provide for them, those who don't have husbands, and those who don't want to be homemakers. Be thankful for homemakers because they do not fill these jobs, and they make the job market easier for the single women.
Vicki F says:
Re: Queen Victoria's diaries: if you will watch the film of Queen Elizabeth giving a tour of the property of the royal family you will see her show the diaries. She showed where one of Victoria's daughters had erased some entries and re-wrote them. I don't remember the reason she gave for doing this, but I do know that some of the diaries were altered by the daughter. We do have, however, Queen Victoria' words in some speeches and news pieces and letters that were not altered.
Mary says:
To Romanian lady:
You claim if a woman works she can buy property and leave an inheritance to her children. I know people who have inheritances like that, and it is a great blessing because the women do not have to go to work. They can stay home and look after the house, sew, raise their children, write, pursue their interests.
You also seem to claim that only if the WOMAN works, can she have property. That is not so. My husband is the bread-winner, the provider. I do not work except at home. I prefer the freedom to come and go as I wish and to look after our property while my husband is at work. Many women do have property and do not have to go get a job or pursue a career.
Also, my husband is a good provider and has no bad habits that would consume our income. It is a lot easier to prosper if the family does not spend money on entertainment or accumulating a lot of expensive things.
I can understand why some women would have to work, due to the way they conducted their lives. However, there are many women that don't have to work and are very fulfilled without career. They consider their homes their careers. It isn't a mindless job. It takes maturity and energy and a keen mind to mind the home.
Anonymous says:
Not all historians trust the reliability of the Queen's diaries, as they were erased and written over, by her daughter. The best quotes come from her speeches and letters, newspaper entries, etc.
Anonymous says:
During a live television broadcast the Queen was seen showing Neil Kinnock and other MPs around Buckingham Palace. Mr. Kinnock remarked that it was great to see Queen Victoria's diaries, "and in her own handwriting". The Queen then told the truth with millions watching, that Queen Victoria's diaries had all been destroyed because she had upset the British establishment. The diaries were all rewritten, taking out the most important bits where Queen Victoria recorded every sitting she had with the medium John Brown when she made contact with Prince Albert. Even those outside of the religion of Spiritualism are beginning to realise just how badly they are being deceived by a handful of tyrants, acting as a sort of thought police force, deciding what information is safe to allow through to the public.
Anonymous says:
Historic speeches of Queen Victoria
Anonymous says:
Anxious to protect her mother's reputation, she burned Victoria's diaries and rewrote them in her name.
Lady Lydia says:
Romanian Feminist:
Since you obviously talk a lot, you are certainly welcome to get your own blog and post your own opinion. Just click on the big "e" on the upper corner of a blog page and see where it says "get your own blog." That way, you don't have to make your blood pressure go up all the time by arguing. If you have your own blog, you can deal with people on your own terms. It is free, and you can then post all the beliefs you have, even if they are wrong.
The End!
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